Hearing Test

Just as every journey begins with a single step, your journey towards better hearing health starts with a comprehensive hearing text from us. Studies show that treating your hearing loss early is the best chance of mitigating the long-term health effects of hearing loss. Many are concerned about what will be found with a hearing test, but it is essential to find out sooner rather than ignore it.

A hearing test is an evaluation of the ability to hear various sounds in noisy settings and understand speech. The purpose is to help you determine the degree of any hearing loss you might have.

Many people neglect their hearing loss without knowing the severity of their hearing impairment. But any successful hearing loss treatment must begin with a hearing test.

Hearing tests are painless, non-invasive, and for moral support, you are free to bring along a friend. Before you know it, you will be equipped with all the information you need for the successful treatment of any hearing loss.

Here's what's involved in one of our hearing tests: 

  1. Health History: An interview to classify any health factors that can impair your hearing, such as certain drugs or chronic conditions of health. Before your appointment, make sure you bring a full list of any medications and supplements you take.
  2. Visual Ear Exam: An otoscopic examination of your ears for any problems that could impair your hearing, such as ear wax build-up or irregular ear canal conditions.
  3. Hearing Test: In a soundproof room, we'll perform multiple tests of your hearing capacity. The first test is called a Pure Tone test and tests the ability to respond to frequencies. A set of tones will be played in each ear, and once you hear them, you are expected to signal. Next is a Speech Comprehension test, which looks at your ability to comprehend speech in noisy environments.
  4. Results: We'll display your results on a hearing chart (called an audiogram) and interpret the results. At this point, we'll clarify whether you have a hearing loss or not.
  5. Communication needs assessment: We will discuss with you about your communication needs at work, at home, and in your social life to identify situations where your hearing capacity is most needed.
  6. Hearing aid consultation: We will make recommendations based on your hearing needs, and decide whether you will benefit from a hearing aid. If you do, we'll suggest the best hearing aid options to suit your hearing needs, lifestyle, and budget.

It is recommended that you come with a member of your family to the appointment, as hearing loss is a family issue, and they may be able to help you through the process. It also helps to have another person to help you take in all the information and advice we are likely to give. Don't be afraid to ask questions at any point in the hearing evaluation.

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